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Tran’s Orthodontic Journey in McDowall
Discover Tran’s smile transformation journey. Tran, our lovely patient from McDowall, came to us with a goal: to complete her orthodontic treatment before her wedding. She was concerned about her underbite, which significantly impacted her smile.
An underbite is when the lower jaw rests in front of the upper jaw when the back teeth are closed, and if it goes untreated, there’s a risk of wearing your teeth down because the upper jaw can put stress on the joints in your lower jaw. This means that it’s not only an aesthetic problem but can also pose future risks if left untreated.
Achieving the smile she has always dreamed of would also help her make the most of her wedding day as she can smile and feel confident in her appearance.
So to address this, we assisted Tran with her initial assessments and explored her options for her orthodontic treatment to achieve a corrected bite and a beautiful smile before her big day.
What were the issues with his teeth?
- Underbite
What we did for her smile makeover?
- Orthodontic Treatment
- Class III Elastics
- Interproximal Reduction
The Result
After just 11 months of orthodontic treatment, with a combination of Class III elastics and the help of Interproximal Reduction, Tran achieved her goals for her smile right before her wedding day! She now has a beautiful, straight smile that she can confidently flaunt at her big event!
Do you have the same smile concerns as Tran? Your smile matters to us! We want you to look great and feel great! Call us at 07 3666 0096 or fill out the enquiry form below, and we will get in touch with you to help you organise your smile consultation.
The material posted is for informational purposes only and is not intended to substitute for professional medical advice, diagnosis or treatment. Results vary with each patient. Any orthodontic procedure carries risks and benefits. If you have any specific questions about any dental and/or medical matter, you should consult your dentist, orthodontist, physician or other professional healthcare providers.
This product is not available for purchase by the general public.