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How to Complete a Virtual Orthodontic Consult From Home

Apr 18, 2024

Hi everyone, my name’s Marianna. I’m from Allstar Orthodontics. I just wanted to take a minute of your time to quickly explain five simple steps to completing your virtual consult.

  • Step one will be having a phone call conversation with myself, we’ll discuss what your goals are in regards to your smile. And at that phone call, we’ll also book in your appointment for your virtual consult.
  • Step two is for you to submit your photographs using a link that I will text through to your phone.
  • Step three will be me sending you an outline of your treatment plan as well as a quote, which you’ll check prior to having our video call.
  • Step four will be to actually have the video consult where we’ll discuss everything in detail, and I’ll be able to answer any questions you have and last, but not least, that five is for you to actually come into our practice and get started with your treatment once you’re ready.